AppendToLeadingTrivia<TNode>(TNode, IEnumerable<SyntaxTrivia>) | Creates a new node from this node with the leading trivia replaced with a new trivia where the specified trivia is added at the end of the leading trivia. |
AppendToLeadingTrivia<TNode>(TNode, SyntaxTrivia) | Creates a new node from this node with the leading trivia replaced with a new trivia where the specified trivia is added at the end of the leading trivia. |
AppendToTrailingTrivia<TNode>(TNode, IEnumerable<SyntaxTrivia>) | Creates a new node from this node with the trailing trivia replaced with a new trivia where the specified trivia is added at the end of the trailing trivia. |
AppendToTrailingTrivia<TNode>(TNode, SyntaxTrivia) | Creates a new node from this node with the trailing trivia replaced with a new trivia where the specified trivia is added at the end of the trailing trivia. |
ContainsDirectives(SyntaxNode, TextSpan) | Returns true if the node contains any preprocessor directives inside the specified span. |
ContainsUnbalancedIfElseDirectives(SyntaxNode, TextSpan) | Returns true if the specified node contains #if directive but it does not contain related #endif directive. |
ContainsUnbalancedIfElseDirectives(SyntaxNode) | Returns true if the specified node contains #if directive but it does not contain related #endif directive. |
FirstAncestor(SyntaxNode, Func<SyntaxNode, Boolean>, Boolean) | Gets the first ancestor that matches the predicate. |
FirstAncestor(SyntaxNode, SyntaxKind, Boolean) | Gets the first ancestor of the specified kind. |
FirstAncestor(SyntaxNode, SyntaxKind, SyntaxKind, Boolean) | Gets the first ancestor of the specified kinds. |
FirstAncestor(SyntaxNode, SyntaxKind, SyntaxKind, SyntaxKind, Boolean) | Gets the first ancestor of the specified kinds. |
FirstAncestor<TNode>(SyntaxNode, Func<TNode, Boolean>, Boolean) | Returns the first node of type TNode that matches the predicate. |
FirstAncestorOrSelf(SyntaxNode, Func<SyntaxNode, Boolean>, Boolean) | Gets the first ancestor that matches the predicate. |
FirstAncestorOrSelf(SyntaxNode, SyntaxKind, Boolean) | Gets the first ancestor of the specified kind. |
FirstAncestorOrSelf(SyntaxNode, SyntaxKind, SyntaxKind, Boolean) | Gets the first ancestor of the specified kinds. |
FirstAncestorOrSelf(SyntaxNode, SyntaxKind, SyntaxKind, SyntaxKind, Boolean) | Gets the first ancestor of the specified kinds. |
FirstDescendant<TNode>(SyntaxNode, Func<SyntaxNode, Boolean>, Boolean) | Searches a list of descendant nodes in prefix document order and returns first descendant of type TNode. |
FirstDescendant<TNode>(SyntaxNode, TextSpan, Func<SyntaxNode, Boolean>, Boolean) | Searches a list of descendant nodes in prefix document order and returns first descendant of type TNode. |
FirstDescendantOrSelf<TNode>(SyntaxNode, Func<SyntaxNode, Boolean>, Boolean) | Searches a list of descendant nodes (including this node) in prefix document order and returns first descendant of type TNode. |
FirstDescendantOrSelf<TNode>(SyntaxNode, TextSpan, Func<SyntaxNode, Boolean>, Boolean) | Searches a list of descendant nodes (including this node) in prefix document order and returns first descendant of type TNode. |
GetFirstDirective(SyntaxNode, TextSpan, Func<DirectiveTriviaSyntax, Boolean>) | Gets the first directive of the tree rooted by this node. |
GetLeadingAndTrailingTrivia(SyntaxNode) | Returns leading and trailing trivia of the specified node in a single list. |
IsDescendantOf(SyntaxNode, SyntaxKind, Boolean) | Returns true if a node is a descendant of a node with the specified kind. |
IsInExpressionTree(SyntaxNode, SemanticModel, CancellationToken) | Determines if the specified node is contained in an expression tree. |
IsKind(SyntaxNode, SyntaxKind, SyntaxKind, SyntaxKind, SyntaxKind, SyntaxKind, SyntaxKind) | Returns true if a node's kind is one of the specified kinds. |
IsKind(SyntaxNode, SyntaxKind, SyntaxKind, SyntaxKind, SyntaxKind, SyntaxKind) | Returns true if a node's kind is one of the specified kinds. |
IsKind(SyntaxNode, SyntaxKind, SyntaxKind, SyntaxKind, SyntaxKind) | Returns true if a node's kind is one of the specified kinds. |
IsKind(SyntaxNode, SyntaxKind, SyntaxKind, SyntaxKind) | Returns true if a node's kind is one of the specified kinds. |
IsKind(SyntaxNode, SyntaxKind, SyntaxKind) | Returns true if a node's kind is one of the specified kinds. |
IsParentKind(SyntaxNode, SyntaxKind, SyntaxKind, SyntaxKind, SyntaxKind, SyntaxKind, SyntaxKind) | Returns true if a node parent's kind is one of the specified kinds. |
IsParentKind(SyntaxNode, SyntaxKind, SyntaxKind, SyntaxKind, SyntaxKind, SyntaxKind) | Returns true if a node parent's kind is one of the specified kinds. |
IsParentKind(SyntaxNode, SyntaxKind, SyntaxKind, SyntaxKind, SyntaxKind) | Returns true if a node parent's kind is one of the specified kinds. |
IsParentKind(SyntaxNode, SyntaxKind, SyntaxKind, SyntaxKind) | Returns true if a node parent's kind is one of the specified kinds. |
IsParentKind(SyntaxNode, SyntaxKind, SyntaxKind) | Returns true if a node parent's kind is one of the specified kinds. |
IsParentKind(SyntaxNode, SyntaxKind) | Returns true if a node parent's kind is the specified kind. |
PrependToLeadingTrivia<TNode>(TNode, IEnumerable<SyntaxTrivia>) | Creates a new node from this node with the leading trivia replaced with a new trivia where the specified trivia is inserted at the beginning of the leading trivia. |
PrependToLeadingTrivia<TNode>(TNode, SyntaxTrivia) | Creates a new node from this node with the leading trivia replaced with a new trivia where the specified trivia is inserted at the beginning of the leading trivia. |
PrependToTrailingTrivia<TNode>(TNode, IEnumerable<SyntaxTrivia>) | Creates a new node from this node with the trailing trivia replaced with a new trivia where the specified trivia is inserted at the beginning of the trailing trivia. |
PrependToTrailingTrivia<TNode>(TNode, SyntaxTrivia) | Creates a new node from this node with the trailing trivia replaced with a new trivia where the specified trivia is inserted at the beginning of the trailing trivia. |
RemoveTrivia<TNode>(TNode, TextSpan?) | Creates a new node with the trivia removed. |
RemoveWhitespace<TNode>(TNode, TextSpan?) | Creates a new node with the whitespace removed. |
ReplaceWhitespace<TNode>(TNode, SyntaxTrivia, TextSpan?) | Creates a new node with the whitespace replaced. |
SpanContainsDirectives(SyntaxNode) | Returns true if the node's span contains any preprocessor directives. |
TrimLeadingTrivia<TNode>(TNode) | Removes all leading whitespace from the leading trivia and returns a new node with the new leading trivia. SyntaxKind.WhitespaceTrivia and SyntaxKind.EndOfLineTrivia is considered to be a whitespace. Returns the same node if there is nothing to trim. |
TrimTrailingTrivia<TNode>(TNode) | Removes all trailing whitespace from the trailing trivia and returns a new node with the new trailing trivia. SyntaxKind.WhitespaceTrivia and SyntaxKind.EndOfLineTrivia is considered to be a whitespace. Returns the same node if there is nothing to trim. |
TrimTrivia<TNode>(TNode) | Removes all leading whitespace from the leading trivia and all trailing whitespace from the trailing trivia and returns a new node with the new trivia. SyntaxKind.WhitespaceTrivia and SyntaxKind.EndOfLineTrivia is considered to be a whitespace. Returns the same node if there is nothing to trim. |
WithFormatterAnnotation<TNode>(TNode) | Creates a new node with the Formatter.Annotation attached. |
WithSimplifierAnnotation<TNode>(TNode) | Creates a new node with the Simplifier.Annotation attached. |
WithTriviaFrom<TNode>(TNode, SyntaxToken) | Creates a new node from this node with both the leading and trailing trivia of the specified token. |