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NameGenerator Class

Namespace: Roslynator

Assembly: Roslynator.Core.dll

Provides methods to obtain an unique identifier.

public abstract class NameGenerator


Object NameGenerator




DefaultDefault implementation of NameGenerator that adds number suffix to ensure uniqueness.


CreateName(ITypeSymbol, Boolean)Creates a syntax identifier from the specified type symbol.
EnsureUniqueEnumMemberName(String, INamedTypeSymbol, Boolean)Returns unique enum member name for a specified enum type.
EnsureUniqueLocalName(String, SemanticModel, Int32, Boolean, CancellationToken)Return a local name that will be unique at the specified position.
EnsureUniqueLocalNames(String, SemanticModel, Int32, Int32, Boolean, CancellationToken)Return a local names that will be unique at the specified position.
EnsureUniqueName(String, IEnumerable<String>, Boolean)Returns an unique name using the specified list of reserved names.
EnsureUniqueName(String, ImmutableArray<ISymbol>, Boolean)Returns an unique name using the specified list of symbols.
EnsureUniqueName(String, SemanticModel, Int32, Boolean)Returns a name that will be unique at the specified position.
EnsureUniqueParameterName(String, ISymbol, SemanticModel, Boolean, CancellationToken)Return a parameter name that will be unique at the specified position.
Equals(Object)(Inherited from Object)
GetHashCode()(Inherited from Object)
GetType()(Inherited from Object)
IsUniqueName(String, IEnumerable<String>, Boolean)Returns true if the name is not contained in the specified list.
IsUniqueName(String, ImmutableArray<ISymbol>, Boolean)Returns true if the name is not contained in the specified list. ISymbol.Name is used to compare names.
MemberwiseClone()(Inherited from Object)
ToString()(Inherited from Object)