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ModifierList<TNode> Class

Namespace: Roslynator.CSharp

Assembly: Roslynator.CSharp.dll

Represents a list of modifiers.

public abstract class ModifierList<TNode> where TNode : Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.SyntaxNode

Type Parameters



Object ModifierList<TNode>


InstanceGets an instance of the ModifierList<TNode> for a syntax specified by the generic argument.


Equals(Object)(Inherited from Object)
GetHashCode()(Inherited from Object)
GetType()(Inherited from Object)
Insert(TNode, SyntaxKind, IComparer<SyntaxKind>)Creates a new node with a modifier of the specified kind inserted.
Insert(TNode, SyntaxToken, IComparer<SyntaxToken>)Creates a new node with the specified modifier inserted.
MemberwiseClone()(Inherited from Object)
Remove(TNode, SyntaxKind)Creates a new node with a modifier of the specified kind removed.
Remove(TNode, SyntaxToken)Creates a new node with the specified modifier removed.
RemoveAll(TNode, Func<SyntaxToken, Boolean>)Creates a new node with modifiers that matches the predicate removed.
RemoveAll(TNode)Creates a new node with all modifiers removed.
RemoveAt(TNode, Int32)Creates a new node with a modifier at the specified index removed.
ToString()(Inherited from Object)