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StatementListSelection Class

Namespace: Roslynator.CSharp

Assembly: Roslynator.CSharp.dll

Represents selected statements in a SyntaxList<TNode>.

public sealed class StatementListSelection : Roslynator.SyntaxListSelection<Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax.StatementSyntax>


Object SyntaxListSelection<TNode> StatementListSelection



Item[Int32]Gets the selected node at the specified index. (Inherited from SyntaxListSelection<TNode>)


CountGets a number of selected nodes. (Inherited from SyntaxListSelection<TNode>)
FirstIndexGets an index of the first selected node. (Inherited from SyntaxListSelection<TNode>)
LastIndexGets an index of the last selected node. (Inherited from SyntaxListSelection<TNode>)
OriginalSpanGets the original span that was used to determine selected nodes. (Inherited from SyntaxListSelection<TNode>)
UnderlyingListGets an underlying list that contains selected nodes. (Inherited from SyntaxListSelection<TNode>)


Create(BlockSyntax, TextSpan)Creates a new StatementListSelection based on the specified block and span.
Create(StatementListInfo, TextSpan)Creates a new StatementListSelection based on the specified StatementListInfo and span.
Create(SwitchSectionSyntax, TextSpan)Creates a new StatementListSelection based on the specified switch section and span.
Equals(Object)(Inherited from Object)
First()Gets the first selected node. (Inherited from SyntaxListSelection<TNode>)
GetEnumerator()Returns an enumerator that iterates through selected nodes. (Inherited from SyntaxListSelection<TNode>)
GetHashCode()(Inherited from Object)
GetType()(Inherited from Object)
Last()Gets the last selected node. (Inherited from SyntaxListSelection<TNode>)
MemberwiseClone()(Inherited from Object)
ToString()(Inherited from Object)
TryCreate(BlockSyntax, TextSpan, StatementListSelection)Creates a new StatementListSelection based on the specified block and span.
TryCreate(SwitchSectionSyntax, TextSpan, StatementListSelection)Creates a new StatementListSelection based on the specified switch section and span.


Enumerator(Inherited from SyntaxListSelection<TNode>)