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SymbolExtensions Class

Namespace: Roslynator.CSharp

Assembly: Roslynator.CSharp.dll

A set of static methods for ISymbol and derived types.

public static class SymbolExtensions


SupportsConstantValue(ITypeSymbol)Returns true if the specified type can be used to declare constant value.
ToMinimalTypeSyntax(INamespaceOrTypeSymbol, SemanticModel, Int32, SymbolDisplayFormat)Creates a new TypeSyntax based on the specified namespace or type symbol
ToMinimalTypeSyntax(INamespaceSymbol, SemanticModel, Int32, SymbolDisplayFormat)Creates a new TypeSyntax based on the specified namespace symbol.
ToMinimalTypeSyntax(ITypeSymbol, SemanticModel, Int32, SymbolDisplayFormat)Creates a new TypeSyntax based on the specified type symbol.
ToTypeSyntax(INamespaceOrTypeSymbol, SymbolDisplayFormat)Creates a new TypeSyntax based on the specified namespace or type symbol.
ToTypeSyntax(INamespaceSymbol, SymbolDisplayFormat)Creates a new TypeSyntax based on the specified namespace symbol.
ToTypeSyntax(ITypeSymbol, SymbolDisplayFormat)Creates a new TypeSyntax based on the specified type symbol.