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VB Snippets for Visual Studio

List of Selected Snippets

_evinterface event
_ininterface @type@ indexer
_minterface method
_pinterface @type@ property
_rpinterface read-only @type@ property
acPublic MustInherit class
amPublic MustInherit method
apPublic MustInherit auto property
arpPublic MustInherit read-only auto property
cPublic class
c_Attribute class
catchCatch clause
coPublic constructor
dePublic delegate
doDo statement
dtDateTime type
eElse clause
enPublic enum
equalsEquals and GetHashCode
evPublic event
fPublic field
feFor Each statement
frFor statement
frrFor statement (reversed)
iePublic interface
ifnIf Is Nothing
iftcIf TryCast IsNot Nothing
iftpif @type@ TryParse
ifxIf Not
ifxnIf IsNot Nothing
ifxtcIf TryCast Is Nothing
ifxtpif not @type@ TryParse
inPublic indexer
kPublic constant
kvpKeyValuePair type
kvpcKeyValuePair.Create method
lLambda expression
l0Lambda expression without parameters
l2Lambda expression with 2 parameters
mPublic method
moPublic module
nIs Nothing
noNameOf operator
oObject keyword
oo= operator overloading
pPublic auto property
paparameter array @ofType@
ppif#If directive
ppife#If-#Else directive
ppr#Region directive
rReturn keyword
refReturn False
renReturn Nothing
retReturn True
rfPublic read-only field
rinPublic read-only indexer
rpPublic read-only auto property
sString keyword
scSelect Case statement
scostatic constructor
sfPublic Shared field
smPublic Shared method
srfPublic Shared read-only field
srpPublic Shared read-only auto property
stPublic structure
tCType operator
tdTODO comment
thisContaining type name
thnThrow New
uUsing statement
vlocal variable declaration
vaarray variable
vbBoolean variable
viInt32 variable
vmPublic Overridable method
vn- new variable
vpPublic Overridable auto property
vrpPublic Overridable read-only auto property
vsString variable
vtlocal variable with DirectCast
wWhile statement
wnWhile Is Nothing
wxWhile not statement
wxnWhile IsNot Nothing
xnIsNot Nothing
xsneString.IsNullOrEmpty = False
xsnwString.IsNullOrWhiteSpace = False