_ev | interface event |
_in | interface @type@ indexer |
_m | interface method |
_p | interface @type@ property |
_rp | interface read-only @type@ property |
a | attribute |
ac | public abstract class |
am | public abstract method |
ap | public abstract auto property |
arp | public abstract read-only auto property |
b | braces |
c | public class |
catch | catch clause |
co | public constructor |
cop | conditional operator |
copn | conditional operator (equal to null) |
copxn | conditional operator (not equal to null) |
d | default keyword |
da | Debug.Assert |
de | public delegate |
dispose | dispose pattern |
don | do while null |
doxn | do while not null |
dt | DateTime type |
dto | DateTimeOffset type |
dw | Debug.WriteLine |
e | else clause |
eif | else-if |
en | public enum |
equals | Equals and GetHashCode |
ev | public event |
f | public field |
fe | foreach statement |
finally | finally clause |
fr | for statement |
frr | for statement (reversed) |
i | public interface |
ifn | if equal to null |
iftgv | if @type@ TryGetValue |
iftp | if @type@ TryParse |
ifx | if not |
ifxn | if not equal to null |
ifxtgv | if not @type@ TryGetValue |
ifxtp | if not @type@ TryParse |
in | public indexer |
k | public const |
kvp | KeyValuePair type |
kvpc | KeyValuePair.Create method |
l | lambda expression |
l0 | lambda expression without parameters |
l2 | lambda expression with 2 parameters |
m | public method |
n | equal to null |
no | nameof operator |
o | object keyword |
p | public auto property |
pa | parameter array @ofType@ |
ppif | #if directive |
ppife | #if-#else directive |
ppr | #region directive |
pps | public auto property with private setter |
r | return keyword |
re | public record |
ref | return false |
ren | return null |
rest | public record struct |
ret | return true |
rf | public read-only field |
rin | public read-only indexer |
rp | public read-only auto property |
rrest | public readonly record struct |
rst | public read-only struct |
s | string keyword |
sc | public static class |
sco | static constructor |
sf | public static field |
sm | public static method |
sne | string.IsNullOrEmpty |
snw | string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace |
srf | public static read-only field |
srp | public static read-only auto property |
st | public struct |
sw | switch statement |
swe | switch expression |
t | explicit cast operator |
tc | try-catch |
tcf | try-catch-finally |
td | TODO comment |
tf | try-finally |
thn | throw new |
to | typeof operator |
u | using statement |
us | using static directive |
uv | using variable |
v | local variable declaration |
va | array variable |
vb | Boolean variable |
vi | Int32 variable |
vm | public virtual method |
vn | - new variable |
vp | public virtual auto property |
vrp | public virtual read-only auto property |
vs | String variable |
vt | local variable declaration with explicit cast operator |
w | while statement |
where | generic type constraint |
wn | while null |
wx | while not statement |
wxn | while not null |
xn | not equal to null |
xsne | !string.IsNullOrEmpty |
xsnw | !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace |
yb | yield break statement |
yr | yield return statement |