RCS0001 | Add blank line after embedded statement | - |
RCS0002 | Add blank line after #region | - |
RCS0003 | Add blank line after using directive list | - |
RCS0005 | Add blank line before #endregion | - |
RCS0006 | Add blank line before using directive list | - |
RCS0007 | Add blank line between accessors | - |
RCS0008 | Add blank line between closing brace and next statement | - |
RCS0009 | Add blank line between declaration and documentation comment | - |
RCS0010 | Add blank line between declarations | - |
RCS0011 | Add/remove blank line between single-line accessors | - |
RCS0012 | Add blank line between single-line declarations | - |
RCS0013 | Add blank line between single-line declarations of different kind | - |
RCS0015 | Add/remove blank line between using directives | - |
RCS0016 | Put attribute list on its own line | - |
RCS0020 | Format accessor's braces on a single line or multiple lines | - |
RCS0021 | Format block's braces on a single line or multiple lines | - |
RCS0023 | Format type declaration's braces | - |
RCS0024 | Add new line after switch label | - |
RCS0025 | Put full accessor on its own line | - |
RCS0027 | Place new line after/before binary operator | - |
RCS0028 | Place new line after/before '?:' operator | - |
RCS0029 | Put constructor initializer on its own line | - |
RCS0030 | Put embedded statement on its own line | - |
RCS0031 | Put enum member on its own line | - |
RCS0032 | Place new line after/before arrow token | - |
RCS0033 | Put statement on its own line | - |
RCS0034 | Put type parameter constraint on its own line | - |
RCS0036 | Remove blank line between single-line declarations of same kind | - |
RCS0039 | Remove new line before base list | - |
RCS0041 | Remove new line between 'if' keyword and 'else' keyword | - |
RCS0042 | Put auto-accessors on a single line | - |
RCS0044 | Use carriage return + linefeed as new line | - |
RCS0045 | Use linefeed as new line | - |
RCS0046 | Use spaces instead of tab | - |
RCS0048 | Put initializer on a single line | - |
RCS0049 | Add blank line after top comment | - |
RCS0050 | Add blank line before top declaration | - |
RCS0051 | Add/remove new line before 'while' in 'do' statement | - |
RCS0052 | Place new line after/before equals token | - |
RCS0053 | Fix formatting of a list | - |
RCS0054 | Fix formatting of a call chain | - |
RCS0055 | Fix formatting of a binary expression chain | - |
RCS0056 | A line is too long | - |
RCS0057 | Normalize whitespace at the beginning of a file | - |
RCS0058 | Normalize whitespace at the end of a file | - |
RCS0059 | Place new line after/before null-conditional operator | - |
RCS0060 | Add/remove line after file scoped namespace declaration | - |
RCS0061 | Add/remove blank line between switch sections | - |
RCS1001 | Add braces (when expression spans over multiple lines) | Info |
RCS1002 | Remove braces | - |
RCS1003 | Add braces to if-else (when expression spans over multiple lines) | Info |
RCS1004 | Remove braces from if-else | - |
RCS1005 | Simplify nested using statement | Hidden |
RCS1006 | Merge 'else' with nested 'if' | Hidden |
RCS1007 | Add braces | - |
RCS1013 | Use predefined type | - |
RCS1014 | Use explicitly/implicitly typed array | - |
RCS1015 | Use nameof operator | Info |
RCS1016 | Use block body or expression body | - |
RCS1018 | Add/remove accessibility modifiers | - |
RCS1019 | Order modifiers | - |
RCS1020 | Simplify Nullable\<T> to T? | Info |
RCS1021 | Convert lambda expression body to expression body | Info |
RCS1031 | Remove unnecessary braces in switch section | Hidden |
RCS1032 | Remove redundant parentheses | Info |
RCS1033 | Remove redundant boolean literal | Info |
RCS1034 | Remove redundant 'sealed' modifier | Hidden |
RCS1036 | Remove unnecessary blank line | Info |
RCS1037 | Remove trailing white-space | Info |
RCS1039 | Remove argument list from attribute | Hidden |
RCS1042 | Remove enum default underlying type | Hidden |
RCS1043 | Remove 'partial' modifier from type with a single part | Hidden |
RCS1044 | Remove original exception from throw statement | Warning |
RCS1046 | Asynchronous method name should end with 'Async' | - |
RCS1047 | Non-asynchronous method name should not end with 'Async' | Info |
RCS1048 | Use lambda expression instead of anonymous method | Info |
RCS1049 | Simplify boolean comparison | Info |
RCS1050 | Include/omit parentheses when creating new object | - |
RCS1051 | Add/remove parentheses from condition in conditional operator | - |
RCS1052 | Declare each attribute separately | - |
RCS1055 | Unnecessary semicolon at the end of declaration | Hidden |
RCS1056 | Avoid usage of using alias directive | - |
RCS1058 | Use compound assignment | Info |
RCS1059 | Avoid locking on publicly accessible instance | Warning |
RCS1060 | Declare each type in separate file | - |
RCS1061 | Merge 'if' with nested 'if' | Hidden |
RCS1068 | Simplify logical negation | Info |
RCS1069 | Remove unnecessary case label | Hidden |
RCS1070 | Remove redundant default switch section | Hidden |
RCS1071 | Remove redundant base constructor call | Hidden |
RCS1073 | Convert 'if' to 'return' statement | Info |
RCS1074 | Remove redundant constructor | Hidden |
RCS1075 | Avoid empty catch clause that catches System.Exception | Warning |
RCS1077 | Optimize LINQ method call | Info |
RCS1078 | Use "" or 'string.Empty' | - |
RCS1079 | Throwing of new NotImplementedException | - |
RCS1080 | Use 'Count/Length' property instead of 'Any' method | - |
RCS1081 | Split variable declaration | - |
RCS1084 | Use coalesce expression instead of conditional expression | Info |
RCS1085 | Use auto-implemented property | Info |
RCS1089 | Use --/++ operator instead of assignment | Info |
RCS1090 | Add/remove 'ConfigureAwait(false)' call | - |
RCS1093 | File contains no code | Info |
RCS1094 | Declare using directive on top level | - |
RCS1096 | Use 'HasFlag' method or bitwise operator | - |
RCS1097 | Remove redundant 'ToString' call | Info |
RCS1098 | Constant values should be placed on right side of comparisons | Info |
RCS1099 | Default label should be the last label in a switch section | Info |
RCS1102 | Make class static | Warning |
RCS1103 | Convert 'if' to assignment | Info |
RCS1104 | Simplify conditional expression | Info |
RCS1105 | Unnecessary interpolation | Info |
RCS1107 | Remove redundant 'ToCharArray' call | Info |
RCS1108 | Add 'static' modifier to all partial class declarations | Info |
RCS1110 | Declare type inside namespace | Info |
RCS1111 | Add braces to switch section with multiple statements | - |
RCS1112 | Combine 'Enumerable.Where' method chain | Info |
RCS1113 | Use 'string.IsNullOrEmpty' method | Info |
RCS1114 | Remove redundant delegate creation | Info |
RCS1118 | Mark local variable as const | Info |
RCS1123 | Add parentheses when necessary | Info |
RCS1124 | Inline local variable | Hidden |
RCS1126 | Add braces to if-else | - |
RCS1128 | Use coalesce expression | Info |
RCS1129 | Remove redundant field initialization | Hidden |
RCS1130 | Bitwise operation on enum without Flags attribute | Info |
RCS1132 | Remove redundant overriding member | Info |
RCS1133 | Remove redundant Dispose/Close call | Hidden |
RCS1134 | Remove redundant statement | Hidden |
RCS1135 | Declare enum member with zero value (when enum has FlagsAttribute) | Info |
RCS1136 | Merge switch sections with equivalent content | Hidden |
RCS1138 | Add summary to documentation comment | Warning |
RCS1139 | Add summary element to documentation comment | Warning |
RCS1140 | Add exception to documentation comment | Hidden |
RCS1141 | Add 'param' element to documentation comment | Hidden |
RCS1142 | Add 'typeparam' element to documentation comment | Hidden |
RCS1143 | Simplify coalesce expression | Hidden |
RCS1145 | Remove redundant 'as' operator | Hidden |
RCS1146 | Use conditional access | Info |
RCS1151 | Remove redundant cast | Hidden |
RCS1154 | Sort enum members | Info |
RCS1155 | Use StringComparison when comparing strings | Warning |
RCS1156 | Use string.Length instead of comparison with empty string | Info |
RCS1157 | Composite enum value contains undefined flag | Info |
RCS1158 | Static member in generic type should use a type parameter | Info |
RCS1159 | Use EventHandler\<T> | Info |
RCS1160 | Abstract type should not have public constructors | Info |
RCS1161 | Enum should declare explicit values | Hidden |
RCS1162 | Avoid chain of assignments | - |
RCS1163 | Unused parameter | Info |
RCS1164 | Unused type parameter | Info |
RCS1165 | Unconstrained type parameter checked for null | Hidden |
RCS1166 | Value type object is never equal to null | Info |
RCS1168 | Parameter name differs from base name | Hidden |
RCS1169 | Make field read-only | Info |
RCS1170 | Use read-only auto-implemented property | Info |
RCS1171 | Simplify lazy initialization | Info |
RCS1172 | Use 'is' operator instead of 'as' operator | Warning |
RCS1173 | Use coalesce expression instead of 'if' | Info |
RCS1174 | Remove redundant async/await | - |
RCS1175 | Unused 'this' parameter | Info |
RCS1179 | Unnecessary assignment | Info |
RCS1180 | Inline lazy initialization | Info |
RCS1181 | Convert comment to documentation comment | Hidden |
RCS1182 | Remove redundant base interface | Hidden |
RCS1186 | Use Regex instance instead of static method | Hidden |
RCS1187 | Use constant instead of field | Info |
RCS1188 | Remove redundant auto-property initialization | Hidden |
RCS1189 | Add or remove region name | Hidden |
RCS1190 | Join string expressions | Info |
RCS1191 | Declare enum value as combination of names | Info |
RCS1192 | Unnecessary usage of verbatim string literal | Info |
RCS1193 | Overriding member should not change 'params' modifier | Warning |
RCS1194 | Implement exception constructors | Warning |
RCS1195 | Use ^ operator | Info |
RCS1196 | Call extension method as instance method | Info |
RCS1197 | Optimize StringBuilder.Append/AppendLine call | Info |
RCS1198 | Avoid unnecessary boxing of value type | - |
RCS1199 | Unnecessary null check | Info |
RCS1200 | Call 'Enumerable.ThenBy' instead of 'Enumerable.OrderBy' | Info |
RCS1201 | Use method chaining | Hidden |
RCS1202 | Avoid NullReferenceException | Info |
RCS1203 | Use AttributeUsageAttribute | Warning |
RCS1204 | Use EventArgs.Empty | Info |
RCS1205 | Order named arguments according to the order of parameters | Info |
RCS1206 | Use conditional access instead of conditional expression | Info |
RCS1207 | Use anonymous function or method group | - |
RCS1208 | Reduce 'if' nesting | - |
RCS1209 | Order type parameter constraints | Info |
RCS1210 | Return completed task instead of returning null | Warning |
RCS1211 | Remove unnecessary 'else' | Hidden |
RCS1212 | Remove redundant assignment | Info |
RCS1213 | Remove unused member declaration | Info |
RCS1214 | Unnecessary interpolated string | Info |
RCS1215 | Expression is always equal to true/false | Warning |
RCS1216 | Unnecessary unsafe context | Info |
RCS1217 | Convert interpolated string to concatenation | Hidden |
RCS1218 | Simplify code branching | Info |
RCS1220 | Use pattern matching instead of combination of 'is' operator and cast operator | Info |
RCS1221 | Use pattern matching instead of combination of 'as' operator and null check | Info |
RCS1222 | Merge preprocessor directives | Info |
RCS1223 | Mark publicly visible type with DebuggerDisplay attribute | - |
RCS1224 | Make method an extension method | Info |
RCS1225 | Make class sealed | Info |
RCS1226 | Add paragraph to documentation comment | Info |
RCS1227 | Validate arguments correctly | Info |
RCS1228 | Unused element in a documentation comment | Hidden |
RCS1229 | Use async/await when necessary | Info |
RCS1230 | Unnecessary explicit use of enumerator | Info |
RCS1231 | Make parameter ref read-only | - |
RCS1232 | Order elements in documentation comment | Info |
RCS1233 | Use short-circuiting operator | Info |
RCS1234 | Duplicate enum value | Info |
RCS1235 | Optimize method call | Info |
RCS1236 | Use exception filter | Info |
RCS1238 | Avoid nested ?: operators | Hidden |
RCS1239 | Use 'for' statement instead of 'while' statement | Info |
RCS1240 | Operator is unnecessary | Info |
RCS1241 | Implement non-generic counterpart | Hidden |
RCS1242 | Do not pass non-read-only struct by read-only reference | Warning |
RCS1243 | Duplicate word in a comment | Info |
RCS1244 | Simplify 'default' expression | Hidden |
RCS1246 | Use element access | Info |
RCS1247 | Fix documentation comment tag | Info |
RCS1248 | Normalize null check | - |
RCS1249 | Unnecessary null-forgiving operator | Info |
RCS1250 | Use implicit/explicit object creation | - |
RCS1251 | Remove unnecessary braces from record declaration | Info |
RCS1252 | Normalize usage of infinite loop | - |
RCS1253 | Format documentation comment summary | - |
RCS1254 | Normalize format of enum flag value | Info |
RCS1255 | Simplify argument null check | - |
RCS1256 | Invalid argument null check | Info |
RCS1257 | Use enum field explicitly | Info |
RCS1258 | Unnecessary enum flag | Info |
RCS1259 | Remove empty syntax | Info |
RCS1260 | Add/remove trailing comma | - |
RCS1261 | Resource can be disposed asynchronously | Info |
RCS1262 | Unnecessary raw string literal | Info |
RCS1263 | Invalid reference in a documentation comment | Warning |
RCS1264 | Use 'var' or explicit type | - |
RCS1265 | Remove redundant catch block | Info |
RCS1266 | Use raw string literal | Info |
RCS1267 | Use string interpolation instead of 'string.Concat' | Info |
RCS1268 | Simplify numeric comparison | Info |
RCS9001 | Use pattern matching | Hidden |
RCS9002 | Use property SyntaxNode.SpanStart | Info |
RCS9003 | Unnecessary conditional access | Info |
RCS9004 | Call 'Any' instead of accessing 'Count' | Info |
RCS9005 | Unnecessary null check | Info |
RCS9006 | Use element access | Info |
RCS9007 | Use return value | Warning |
RCS9008 | Call 'Last' instead of using [] | Info |
RCS9009 | Unknown language name | Warning |
RCS9010 | Specify ExportCodeRefactoringProviderAttribute.Name | Hidden |
RCS9011 | Specify ExportCodeFixProviderAttribute.Name | Hidden |