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IdTitleEnabled by Default
RR0002Add braces
RR0003Add braces to if-else
RR0004Add braces to switch section
RR0005Add braces to switch sections
RR0007Add default value to parameter
RR0009Add 'exception' element to documentation comment
RR0011Add argument name
RR0013Add using directive
RR0014Add using static directive
RR0016Call extension method as instance method
RR0018Use implicit type
RR0021Change method return type to 'void'
RR0022Change type according to expression
RR0023Use explicit type
RR0024Check expression for null
RR0025Check parameter for null
RR0026Use object initializer
RR0027Comment out member declaration
RR0028Comment out statement
RR0029Copy documentation comment from base member
RR0030Copy argument
RR0031Copy member declaration
RR0032Copy parameter
RR0033Copy statement
RR0034Expand compound assignment
RR0035Expand coalesce expression
RR0036Expand event declaration
RR0037Convert expression body to block body
RR0038Expand initializer-
RR0039Convert lambda expression body to block body
RR0040Convert auto-property to full property (without backing field)
RR0041Convert auto-property to full property
RR0043Extract expression from condition
RR0045Remove containing statement
RR0046Extract type declaration to a new file-
RR0048Wrap arguments
RR0049Wrap binary expression
RR0050Wrap conditional expression
RR0051Wrap call chain
RR0052Wrap initializer expressions
RR0053Wrap parameters
RR0054Generate base constructors
RR0055Generate combined enum member
RR0056Generate enum member
RR0057Generate enum values
RR0058Generate event invoking method
RR0059Add missing cases to switch statement
RR0060Initialize local variable with default value
RR0061Inline alias expression
RR0062Inline method
RR0063Insert string interpolation
RR0064Introduce and initialize field
RR0065Introduce and initialize property
RR0066Introduce constructor-
RR0067Introduce field to lock on
RR0068Introduce local variable
RR0069Make member abstract
RR0070Make member virtual
RR0073Remove unnecessary assignment
RR0074Merge attributes
RR0075Merge 'if' statements
RR0077Merge local declarations
RR0078Join string expressions
RR0079Invert binary expression
RR0080Invert boolean literal
RR0081Invert is expression
RR0082Invert operator
RR0083Notify when property changes
RR0084Parenthesize expression
RR0085Promote local variable to parameter
RR0086Remove all comments
RR0087Remove all comments (except documentation comments)
RR0088Remove all documentation comments-
RR0089Remove all member declarations
RR0090Remove all preprocessor directives
RR0091Remove all region directives
RR0092Remove all statements
RR0093Remove all switch sections
RR0094Remove braces
RR0095Remove braces from if-else
RR0096Remove braces from switch section
RR0097Remove braces from switch sections
RR0098Remove comment
RR0099Remove condition from last else clause
RR0100Remove preprocessor directive
RR0101Remove empty lines
RR0102Remove interpolation
RR0103Remove member declaration
RR0104Remove member declarations above/below
RR0105Remove argument name
RR0106Remove parentheses
RR0107Remove property initializer
RR0108Remove region
RR0109Remove statement
RR0110Merge switch sections
RR0111Synchronize property name and backing field name
RR0112Rename identifier according to type name
RR0113Rename method according to type name
RR0114Rename parameter according to its type name
RR0115Rename property according to type name
RR0116Invert LINQ method call
RR0117Replace 'as' expression with explicit cast
RR0118Replace explicit cast expression 'as' expression
RR0119Replace conditional expression with true/false branch
RR0120Convert ?: to if-else
RR0121Use read-only field instead of constant
RR0123Convert 'do' to 'while'
RR0124Replace equality operator with string.Equals
RR0125Replace equality operator with string.IsNullOrEmpty
RR0126Replace equality operator with string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace
RR0127Inline constant value
RR0128Use constant instead of read-only field
RR0129Convert 'foreach' to 'for'
RR0130Convert 'for' to 'foreach'
RR0131Convert 'for' to 'while'
RR0132Convert hexadecimal literal to decimal literal
RR0133Convert 'if' to 'switch'
RR0134Invert prefix/postfix unary operator
RR0135Replace interpolated string with interpolation expression
RR0136Convert interpolated string to string literal
RR0137Convert method group to lambda
RR0138Replace method with property-
RR0139Replace 'null' with 'default(...)'
RR0140Replace prefix operator to postfix operator
RR0141Replace property with method
RR0142Convert regular string literal to verbatim string literal
RR0143Convert 'return' statement to 'if'
RR0144Call string.IndexOf instead of string.Contains
RR0145Convert 'string.Format' to interpolated string
RR0147Convert 'switch' to 'if'
RR0148Convert verbatim string literal to regular string literal
RR0149Convert verbatim string literal to regular string literals
RR0150Convert 'while' statement to 'do' statement
RR0151Convert 'while' statement to 'for' statement
RR0152Reverse 'for' statement
RR0153Simplify if
RR0154Convert lambda block body to expression body
RR0155Sort member declarations
RR0156Split attributes
RR0157Split switch labels
RR0158Split variable declaration
RR0159Swap binary operands
RR0160Invert conditional expression
RR0161Swap member declarations
RR0162Invert if-else
RR0163Uncomment single-line comment
RR0164Convert 'HasFlag' call to bitwise operation
RR0165Use coalesce expression instead of if
RR0166Convert 'if' to ?:
RR0167Use element access instead of LINQ method
RR0169Convert block body to expression body
RR0170Use lambda instead of anonymous method
RR0171Convert "" to string.Empty-
RR0172Wrap statements in condition
RR0174Wrap lines in preprocessor directive
RR0175Wrap lines in #region directive
RR0176Wrap lines in try-catch
RR0177Wrap statements in 'using' statement
RR0178Add generic parameter to a declaration
RR0179Implement IEquatable\<T>
RR0180Inline using static directive
RR0181Inline constant declaration
RR0182Use StringBuilder instead of concatenation
RR0183Use List\<T> instead of yield
RR0184Split if
RR0185Remove instantiation of a local variable
RR0186Change accessibility
RR0187Wrap constraint clauses
RR0188Convert 'foreach' to 'for' and reverse loop-
RR0189Invert if
RR0190Split if-else
RR0191Use index initializer
RR0192Convert comment to documentation comment
RR0193Convert interpolated string to concatenation
RR0194Split local declaration and assignment
RR0195Add member to interface
RR0196Merge if with parent if
RR0197Initialize field from constructor
RR0198Inline property
RR0199Remove enum member value(s)
RR0200Uncomment multi-line comment
RR0201Convert interpolated string to 'string.Format'
RR0202Move unsafe context to containing declaration
RR0203Extract event handler method
RR0204Generate property for DebuggerDisplay attribute
RR0205Add empty line between declarations
RR0206Use enumerator explicitly
RR0207Sort case labels
RR0208Add tag to documentation comment
RR0209Remove async/await
RR0210Implement custom enumerator
RR0211Convert statements to if-else
RR0212Copy switch section
RR0213Add parameter to interface member
RR0214Convert 'switch' expression to 'switch' statement
RR0215Expand positional constructor
RR0216Add all properties to initializer
RR0217Deconstruct foreach variable