📄️ analyze
Analyzes specified project or solution and reports diagnostics\.
📄️ find-symbol
Finds symbols in the specified project or solution\.
📄️ fix
Fixes diagnostics in the specified project or solution\.
📄️ format
Formats whitespace in the specified project or solution\.
📄️ generate-doc-root
\[deprecated\] Generates root documentation file from specified project/solution\.
📄️ generate-doc
Generates reference documentation from specified project/solution\.
📄️ list-symbols
Lists symbols from the specified project or solution\.
📄️ lloc
Counts logical lines of code in the specified project or solution\.
📄️ loc
Counts physical lines of code in the specified project or solution\.
📄️ rename-symbol
Rename symbols in the specified project or solution\.
📄️ spellcheck
Searches the specified project or solution for possible misspellings or typos\.