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roslynator rename-symbol

Rename symbols in the specified project or solution.


roslynator rename-symbol <PROJECT|SOLUTION>
-d, --dry-run
--exclude <GLOB>
--file-log <FILE_PATH>
--file-log-verbosity <LEVEL>
-h, --help
--ignored-projects <PROJECT_NAME>
--include <GLOB>
-g, --include-generated-code
--language <LANGUAGE>
--match <EXPRESSION>
--match-from <FILE_PATH>
-m, --msbuild-path <DIRECTORY_PATH>
--new-name <EXPRESSION>
--new-name-from <FILE_PATH>
--projects <PROJECT_NAME>
-p, --properties <NAME=VALUE>
--scope <SCOPE>
-v, --verbosity <LEVEL>



Path to one or more project/solution files.



Ask whether to rename a symbol.

-d, --dry-run

List symbols to be renamed but do not save changes to a disk.

--exclude <GLOB>

Space separated list of glob patterns to exclude files, folders, solutions or projects. For further information about the syntax see reference documentation.

--file-log <FILE_PATH>

Path to a file that should store output.

--file-log-verbosity <LEVEL>

Verbosity of the file log. Allowed values are q[uiet], m[inimal], n[ormal], d[etailed] and diag[nostic].

-h, --help

Show command line help.


A space separated list of compiler diagnostics that should be ignored.

--ignored-projects <PROJECT_NAME>

Defines projects that should not be analyzed.

--include <GLOB>

Space separated list of glob patterns to include files, folders, solutions or projects. For further information about the syntax see reference documentation.

-g, --include-generated-code

Include symbols that are part of generated code.


Enable editing of a new name.

--language <LANGUAGE>

Defines project language. Allowed values are cs[harp] or v[isual-]b[asic].

--match <EXPRESSION>

C# expression that can be used as a expression body of a method 'bool M(ISymbol symbol)'.

--match-from <FILE_PATH>

Path to a C# code file that contains publicly accessible method with signature 'bool M(ISymbol symbol)'.

-m, --msbuild-path <DIRECTORY_PATH>

Defines a path to MSBuild directory.

--new-name <EXPRESSION>

C# expression that can be used as a expression body of a method 'string M(ISymbol symbol)'

--new-name-from <FILE_PATH>

Path to a C# code file that contains publicly accessible method with signature 'string M(ISymbol symbol)'


Action to choose when renaming of a symbol causes compilation error. Allowed values are abort, ask, fix, list and skip.

--projects <PROJECT_NAME>

Defines projects that should be analyzed.

-p, --properties <NAME=VALUE>

Defines one or more MSBuild properties.

--scope <SCOPE>

Symbol groups to be included. Allowed values are type, member and local.

-v, --verbosity <LEVEL>

Verbosity of the log. Allowed values are q[uiet], m[inimal], n[ormal], d[etailed] and diag[nostic].

Redirected/Piped Input

Redirected/piped input will be used as a list of project/solution paths separated with newlines.


Example: Obfuscate all symbols

This is a very simple example that will rename all symbols to random name.


roslynator rename-symbol my.sln
--match "true"
--new-name "obfuscate.cs"


  • We assume that there are files my.sln and obfuscate.cs in the current directory.


using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;

public class Obfuscate
public string GetNewName(ISymbol symbol)
while (true)
string name = Path.GetRandomFileName();

if (Regex.IsMatch(name, @"^\D"))
return Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(name) + "xyz";

Example: Rename lambda parameters to shorter name

The goal is to rename all lambda parameters that have name cancellationToken and are of type CancellationToken to ct.


roslynator rename-symbol my.sln
--match "symbol.Name == ""cancellationToken"" && symbol is IParameterSymbol parameterSymbol && parameterSymbol.Type.Name == ""CancellationToken"" && symbol.ContainingSymbol is IMethodSymbol methodSymbol && methodSymbol.MethodKind == MethodKind.AnonymousFunction"
--new-name " ""ct"" "
--scope local


  • We assume that there is file my.sln in the current directory.
  • The option --scope local is not required but it can make the process faster.

Example: Rename constant so its name contains its value

There is a class that contains various compiler warnings and errors:

// <auto-generated>

namespace Roslynator.CSharp
internal static class CompilerDiagnosticIdentifiers
public const string OperatorCannotBeAppliedToOperands = "CS0019";
public const string CannotApplyIndexingToExpression = "CS0021";
public const string OperatorCannotBeAppliedToOperand = "CS0023";

// ...

The goal is to add error code to the name of the constant:

namespace Roslynator.CSharp
internal static class CompilerDiagnosticIdentifiers
public const string CS0019_OperatorCannotBeAppliedToOperands = "CS0019";
public const string CS0021_CannotApplyIndexingToExpression = "CS0021";
public const string CS0023_OperatorCannotBeAppliedToOperand = "CS0023";

// ...


roslynator rename-symbol my.sln
--match "rename-constants.cs"
--scope member


  • We assume that there are files my.sln and rename-constants.cs in the current directory.
  • If the "IsMatch" method and "GetNewName" method are defined both in the same file it is allowed to specified it only once as a value of --match-from option.
  • Because the code is marked with auto-generated tag we have to explicitly allow generated code with --include-generated-code switch.
  • The option --scope member is not required but it can make the process faster.


using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;

public class C
public bool IsMatch(ISymbol symbol)
return symbol.DeclaredAccessibility == Accessibility.Public
&& symbol is IFieldSymbol fieldSymbol
&& fieldSymbol.IsConst
&& symbol.ContainingType.Name == "CompilerDiagnosticIdentifiers";

public string GetNewName(ISymbol symbol)
var fieldSymbol = (IFieldSymbol)symbol;

var value = (string)fieldSymbol.ConstantValue;

return value + "_" + symbol.Name;