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roslynator analyze

Analyzes specified project or solution and reports diagnostics.

Project or solution should be built before the command is executed.


Roslynator CLI does not contain any analyzers (such as Roslynator.Analyzers) itself.

Analyzers are either referenced as NuGet packages or it is possible to add analyzer assemblies with parameter --analyzer-assemblies.


roslynator analyze <PROJECT|SOLUTION>
-a, --analyzer-assemblies <PATH>
--culture <CULTURE_ID>
--exclude <GLOB>
--file-log <FILE_PATH>
--file-log-verbosity <LEVEL>
-h, --help
--ignored-diagnostics <DIAGNOSTIC_ID>
--ignored-projects <PROJECT_NAME>
--include <GLOB>
--language <LANGUAGE>
-m, --msbuild-path <DIRECTORY_PATH>
-o, --output <FILE_PATH>
--projects <PROJECT_NAME>
-p, --properties <NAME=VALUE>
--severity-level <LEVEL>
--supported-diagnostics <DIAGNOSTIC_ID>
-v, --verbosity <LEVEL>



Path to one or more project/solution files.


-a, --analyzer-assemblies <PATH>

Define one or more paths to an analyzer assembly or a directory that should be searched recursively for analyzer assemblies.

--culture <CULTURE_ID>

Defines culture that should be used to display diagnostic message.

--exclude <GLOB>

Space separated list of glob patterns to exclude files, folders, solutions or projects. For further information about the syntax see reference documentation.


Indicates whether to measure execution time of each analyzer.

--file-log <FILE_PATH>

Path to a file that should store output.

--file-log-verbosity <LEVEL>

Verbosity of the file log. Allowed values are q[uiet], m[inimal], n[ormal], d[etailed] and diag[nostic].

-h, --help

Show command line help.


Indicates whether analyzers that are referenced in a project should be ignored.


Indicates whether to display compiler diagnostics.

--ignored-diagnostics <DIAGNOSTIC_ID>

Defines diagnostics that should not be reported.

--ignored-projects <PROJECT_NAME>

Defines projects that should not be analyzed.

--include <GLOB>

Space separated list of glob patterns to include files, folders, solutions or projects. For further information about the syntax see reference documentation.

--language <LANGUAGE>

Defines project language. Allowed values are cs[harp] or v[isual-]b[asic].

-m, --msbuild-path <DIRECTORY_PATH>

Defines a path to MSBuild directory.

-o, --output <FILE_PATH>

Defines path to file that will store reported diagnostics in XML format.

--projects <PROJECT_NAME>

Defines projects that should be analyzed.

-p, --properties <NAME=VALUE>

Defines one or more MSBuild properties.


Indicates whether diagnostics with 'NotConfigurable' tag should be reported.


Indicates whether suppressed diagnostics should be reported.

--severity-level <LEVEL>

Defines minimally required severity for a diagnostic. Allowed values are hidden, info (default), warning or error.

--supported-diagnostics <DIAGNOSTIC_ID>

Defines diagnostics that should be reported.

-v, --verbosity <LEVEL>

Verbosity of the log. Allowed values are q[uiet], m[inimal], n[ormal], d[etailed] and diag[nostic].

Redirected/Piped Input

Redirected/piped input will be used as a list of project/solution paths separated with newlines.