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GenericInfo Struct

Namespace: Roslynator.CSharp.Syntax

Assembly: Roslynator.CSharp.dll

Provides information about generic syntax (class, struct, interface, delegate, method or local function).

public readonly struct GenericInfo


Object ValueType GenericInfo


ConstraintClausesA list of constraint clauses.
KindThe kind of this syntax node.
NodeThe syntax node that can be generic (for example ClassDeclarationSyntax for a class or LocalDeclarationStatementSyntax for a local function).
SuccessDetermines whether this struct was initialized with an actual syntax.
TypeParameterListThe type parameter list.
TypeParametersA list of type parameters.


Equals(Object)(Inherited from ValueType)
FindConstraintClause(String)Searches for a constraint clause with the specified type parameter name and returns the first occurrence within the constraint clauses.
FindTypeParameter(String)Searches for a type parameter with the specified name and returns the first occurrence within the type parameters.
GetHashCode()(Inherited from ValueType)
GetType()(Inherited from Object)
MemberwiseClone()(Inherited from Object)
RemoveAllConstraintClauses()Creates a new GenericInfo with all constraint clauses removed.
RemoveConstraintClause(TypeParameterConstraintClauseSyntax)Creates a new GenericInfo with the specified constraint clause removed.
RemoveTypeParameter(TypeParameterSyntax)Creates a new GenericInfo with the specified type parameter removed.
ToString()(Inherited from ValueType)
WithConstraintClauses(SyntaxList<TypeParameterConstraintClauseSyntax>)Creates a new GenericInfo with the constraint clauses updated.
WithTypeParameterList(TypeParameterListSyntax)Creates a new GenericInfo with the type parameter list updated.