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MemberDeclarationListInfo Struct

Namespace: Roslynator.CSharp.Syntax

Assembly: Roslynator.CSharp.dll

Provides information about a list of member declaration list.

public readonly struct MemberDeclarationListInfo : System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax.MemberDeclarationSyntax>


Object ValueType MemberDeclarationListInfo



Item[Int32]Gets the member at the specified index in the list. (Implements IReadOnlyList<MemberDeclarationSyntax>.Item)


CloseBraceTokenGets a close brace token.
CountA number of members in the list.
MembersA list of members.
OpenBraceTokenGets a open brace token.
ParentThe declaration that contains the members.
SuccessDetermines whether this struct was initialized with an actual syntax.


Add(MemberDeclarationSyntax)Creates a new MemberDeclarationListInfo with the specified member added at the end.
AddRange(IEnumerable<MemberDeclarationSyntax>)Creates a new MemberDeclarationListInfo with the specified members added at the end.
Any()True if the list has at least one member.
Equals(Object)(Inherited from ValueType)
First()The first member in the list.
FirstOrDefault()The first member in the list or null if the list is empty.
GetEnumerator()Gets the enumerator for the list of members.
GetHashCode()(Inherited from ValueType)
GetType()(Inherited from Object)
IndexOf(Func<MemberDeclarationSyntax, Boolean>)Searches for a member that matches the predicate and returns zero-based index of the first occurrence in the list.
IndexOf(MemberDeclarationSyntax)The index of the member in the list.
Insert(Int32, MemberDeclarationSyntax)Creates a new MemberDeclarationListInfo with the specified member inserted at the index.
InsertRange(Int32, IEnumerable<MemberDeclarationSyntax>)Creates a new MemberDeclarationListInfo with the specified members inserted at the index.
Last()The last member in the list.
LastIndexOf(Func<MemberDeclarationSyntax, Boolean>)Searches for a member that matches the predicate and returns zero-based index of the last occurrence in the list.
LastIndexOf(MemberDeclarationSyntax)Searches for a member and returns zero-based index of the last occurrence in the list.
LastOrDefault()The last member in the list or null if the list is empty.
MemberwiseClone()(Inherited from Object)
Remove(MemberDeclarationSyntax)Creates a new MemberDeclarationListInfo with the specified member removed.
RemoveAt(Int32)Creates a new MemberDeclarationListInfo with the member at the specified index removed.
RemoveNode(SyntaxNode, SyntaxRemoveOptions)Creates a new MemberDeclarationListInfo with the specified node removed.
Replace(MemberDeclarationSyntax, MemberDeclarationSyntax)Creates a new MemberDeclarationListInfo with the specified member replaced with the new member.
ReplaceAt(Int32, MemberDeclarationSyntax)Creates a new MemberDeclarationListInfo with the member at the specified index replaced with a new member.
ReplaceNode(SyntaxNode, SyntaxNode)Creates a new MemberDeclarationListInfo with the specified old node replaced with a new node.
ReplaceRange(MemberDeclarationSyntax, IEnumerable<MemberDeclarationSyntax>)Creates a new MemberDeclarationListInfo with the specified member replaced with new members.
ToString()(Inherited from ValueType)
WithMembers(IEnumerable<MemberDeclarationSyntax>)Creates a new MemberDeclarationListInfo with the members updated.
WithMembers(SyntaxList<MemberDeclarationSyntax>)Creates a new MemberDeclarationListInfo with the members updated.

Explicit Interface Implementations
