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StringLiteralExpressionInfo Struct

Namespace: Roslynator.CSharp.Syntax

Assembly: Roslynator.CSharp.dll

Provides information about string literal expression.

public readonly struct StringLiteralExpressionInfo


Object ValueType StringLiteralExpressionInfo


ContainsEscapeSequenceTrue if the string literal expression contains escape sequence.
ContainsLinefeedTrue if the string literal contains linefeed.
ExpressionThe string literal expression.
InnerTextThe token text, not including leading ampersand, if any, and enclosing quotation marks.
IsRegularTrue if this instance is regular string literal expression.
IsVerbatimTrue if this instance is verbatim string literal expression.
SuccessDetermines whether this struct was initialized with an actual syntax.
TextThe token text.
TokenThe token representing the string literal expression.
ValueTextThe token value text.


Equals(Object)(Inherited from ValueType)
GetHashCode()(Inherited from ValueType)
GetType()(Inherited from Object)
MemberwiseClone()(Inherited from Object)
ToString()(Inherited from ValueType)