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Orang Command Line Tool

Search, replace, rename and delete files and its content using the power of .NET regular expressions.


Exit Code

0Match found
1No match found
2Error occurred or execution canceled

Redirected/Piped Input

Redirected/piped input will be used either as a raw text or as a list of paths separated with newlines.

CommandPiped Input
copylist of paths
deletelist of paths
findtext (default) or list of paths when --pipe p[aths] is specified
movelist of paths
regex escapetext
regex matchtext
regex splittext
renamelist of paths
replacetext (default) or list of paths when --pipe p[aths] is specified
synclist of paths

Multi-value Parameters

A lot of Orang parameters can have multiple values. Only shortcoming of this approach is that a user cannot specify argument (usually path(s)) as a last value of a command if the argument is preceded with multi-value parameter.

Following command is invalid because path C:/Documents is treated as a value of multi-value parameter -c | --content.

orang find -c "^abc" i m "C:/Documents"

To fix this problem you can either add parameter --paths

orang find -c "abc" i m --paths "C:/Documents"

or you can specify path right after the command name:

orang find "C:/Documents" -c "abc" i m