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copySearches the file system for files and directories and copy them to a destination directory.
deleteDeletes files and directories.
findSearches the file system for files and directories and optionally searches files' content.
helpDisplays help.
moveSearches the file system for files and directories and move them to a destination directory.
regex createCreates regular expression pattern.
regex escapeEscapes special characters by replacing them with their escape codes.
regex listLists regular expression patterns.
regex matchSearches the input string for occurrences of the regular expression.
regex splitSplits the input string into an list of substrings at the positions defined by a regular expression.
renameRenames files and directories.
replaceSearches the file system for files and replaces its content.
spellcheckSearches the files' content for potential misspellings and typos.
syncSynchronizes content of two directories.