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orang find

Searches the file system for files and directories and optionally searches files' content.


orang find <PATH>
--after-context <NUM>
--ask <ASK_MODE>
-a, --attributes <ATTRIBUTES>
-A, --attributes-to-skip <ATTRIBUTES>
--before-context <NUM>
-c, --content <PATTERN> [<PATTERN_OPTIONS>]
--content-mode <CONTENT_MODE>
--context <NUM>
--encoding <ENCODING>
--exclude <GLOB>
-e, --extension EXT1[,EXT2] [<EXTENSION_OPTIONS>]
--function <FUNCTION>
-h, --help
-t, --highlight <HIGHLIGHT>
--include <GLOB>
-i, --include-directory <PATTERN> [<PATTERN_OPTIONS>]
-m, --max-count <NUM>
--max-depth <NUM>
--max-matches-in-file <NUM>
--max-matching-files <NUM>
-C, --no-content
-P, --no-path
-o, --output <PATH> [<OUTPUT_OPTIONS>]
--path-mode <PATH_MODE>
--paths <PATH>
--paths-from <FILE_PATH>
--pipe <PIPE_MODE>
-p, --properties <FILE_PROPERTIES>
-s, --sort <SORT_OPTIONS>
-u, --summary
-v, --verbosity <VERBOSITY>



Path to one or more files and/or directories that should be searched.


--after-context <NUM>

Number of lines to show after matching line.


Align columns.

--ask <ASK_MODE>

Ask for permission after each file or value.

<ASK_MODE>: f[ile], v[alue].

-a, --attributes <ATTRIBUTES>

File attributes that are required.

<ATTRIBUTES>: archive, compressed, d[irectory], e[mpty], encrypted, f[ile], h[idden], normal, offline, r[ead-only], r[eparse-]p[oint], s[ystem], temporary.

-A, --attributes-to-skip <ATTRIBUTES>

File attributes that should be skipped.

<ATTRIBUTES>: archive, compressed, e[mpty], encrypted, h[idden], normal, offline, r[ead-only], r[eparse-]p[oint], s[ystem], temporary.

--before-context <NUM>

Number of lines to show before matching line.

-c, --content <PATTERN> [<PATTERN_OPTIONS>]

Regular expression for files' content.

<PATTERN_OPTIONS>: compiled, c[ulture-]i[nvariant], e[cma-]s[cript], e[nds-]w[ith], e[quals], n [explicit-capture], f[rom-file], g[roup]=<GROUP_NAME>, i[gnore-case], x [ignore-pattern-whitespace], li[st], length=<NUM>, l[ist-]s[eparator], l[iteral], m[ultiline], ne[gative], r[ight-to-left], s[ingleline], s[tarts-]w[ith], timeout=<NUM>, w[hole-]l[ine], w[hole-word].

--content-mode <CONTENT_MODE>

Defines which parts of a content should be included in the results.

<CONTENT_MODE>: a[ll-lines], l[ine], u[nmatched-lines], v[alue], d [value-detail], o[mit].

--context <NUM>

Number of lines to show before and after matching line.


Show number of matches in a file.

--encoding <ENCODING>

Encoding to use when a file does not contain BOM. Default encoding is UTF-8.

--exclude <GLOB>

Space separated list of glob patterns to exclude files and/or folders. For further information about the syntax see reference documentation.

-e, --extension EXT1[,EXT2] [<EXTENSION_OPTIONS>]

A filter for file extensions (case-insensitive by default).

<EXTENSION_OPTIONS>: c[ase-]s[ensitive], c[ulture-]i[nvariant], f[rom-file], l[ist-]s[eparator], l[iteral], ne[gative], timeout=<NUM>.

--function <FUNCTION>

Space separated list of functions to modify a list of matches. All matches from all files are evaluated at once.

<FUNCTION>: sort, sort-descending, distinct, group, sort-by=<SORT_PROPERTY>.

-h, --help

Show command line help.

-t, --highlight <HIGHLIGHT>

Parts of the output to highlight.

<HIGHLIGHT>: n[one], m[atch], e[mpty-]m[atch], e[mpty], b[oundary], t[ab], c[arriage-]r[eturn], l[ine]f[eed], newline, space.

--include <GLOB>

Space separated list of glob patterns to include files and/or folders. For further information about the syntax see reference documentation.

-i, --include-directory <PATTERN> [<PATTERN_OPTIONS>]

[deprecated] Regular expression for a directory name.


Include line number.

-m, --max-count <NUM>

Stop searching after specified number is reached.

--max-depth <NUM>

Maximum directory depth.

--max-matches-in-file <NUM>

Stop searching in a file after specified number of matches is found.

--max-matching-files <NUM>

Stop searching after specified number of files is found.


Regular expression for file or directory name.

-C, --no-content

A shortcut for '--content-mode omit'.

-P, --no-path

A shortcut for '--path-mode omit'.


Do not search subdirectories.

-o, --output <PATH> [<OUTPUT_OPTIONS>]

Path to a file that should store output.

--path-mode <PATH_MODE>

Defines which part of a path should be included in the results.

<PATH_MODE>: f[ull], r[elative], m[atch], o[mit].

--paths <PATH>

Path to one or more files and/or directories that should be searched.

--paths-from <FILE_PATH>

Read the list of paths to search from a file. Paths should be separated by newlines.

--pipe <PIPE_MODE>

Defines how to use redirected/piped input.

<PIPE_MODE>: t[ext], p[aths].


Display dot (.) for every hundredth searched file or directory.

-p, --properties <FILE_PROPERTIES>

Display file's properties and optionally filter by that properties.

<FILE_PROPERTIES>: c[reation-]t[ime]=<DATE>, m[odified-]t[ime]=<DATE>, s[ize]=<NUM>.

-s, --sort <SORT_OPTIONS>

Sort matched files and directories.

<SORT_OPTIONS>: a[scending], c[reation-]t[ime], ci [culture-invariant], d[escending], m[ax-count]=<NUM>, m[odified-]t[ime], n[ame], s[ize].


Execute regex in a split mode.

-u, --summary

Show summary at the end of search.

-v, --verbosity <VERBOSITY>

The amount of information to display in the log.

<VERBOSITY>: q[uiet], m[inimal], n[ormal], d[etailed], di[agnostic].

Redirected/Piped Input

Redirected/piped input will be used either as a text to be searched (default) or as a list of paths separated with newlines (when --pipe p[aths] is specified.



Find TODO comments in a C# source files in a current directory.

Current directory contains file pattern.txt with a following content:

^(\ |\t)*/{2,}\ *todo\ *


orang find ^
--extension cs ^
--content "pattern.txt" from-file

Short Syntax

orang find ^
-e cs ^
-c "pattern.txt" f


Display content of new csproj files and pause after each file.


orang find ^
--extension csproj ^
--content "<Project Sdk=\"Microsoft.NET.Sdk\">" literal ^
--display content=all-lines ^
--ask file

Short Syntax

orang find ^
-e csproj ^
-c "<Project Sdk=\"Microsoft.NET.Sdk\">" l ^
-y c=a ^
--ask f


Add copyright banner to each C# file in a current directory.


orang find ^
--extension cs ^
--content "banner.txt" from-file literal starts-with negative | ^
orang replace ^
--content "" starts-with ^
--replacement "banner.txt" from-file

Short Syntax

orang find ^
-e cs ^
-c "banner.txt" f l sw ne | ^
orang replace ^
-c "" sw ^
-r "banner.txt" f