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orang regex split

Splits the input string into an list of substrings at the positions defined by a regular expression.


orang regex split <PATH>
-c, --content <PATTERN> [<PATTERN_OPTIONS>]
--content-mode <CONTENT_MODE>
--function <FUNCTION>
-h, --help
-t, --highlight <HIGHLIGHT>
-i, --input <INPUT> [<INPUT_OPTIONS>]
-m, --max-count <NUM>
-o, --output <PATH> [<OUTPUT_OPTIONS>]
-u, --summary
-v, --verbosity <VERBOSITY>



Path to a file that should be analyzed.


-c, --content <PATTERN> [<PATTERN_OPTIONS>]

Regular expression for the input string.

<PATTERN_OPTIONS>: compiled, c[ulture-]i[nvariant], e[cma-]s[cript], e[nds-]w[ith], e[quals], n [explicit-capture], f[rom-file], i[gnore-case], x [ignore-pattern-whitespace], li[st], length=<NUM>, l[ist-]s[eparator], l[iteral], m[ultiline], r[ight-to-left], s[ingleline], s[tarts-]w[ith], timeout=<NUM>, w[hole-]l[ine], w[hole-word].

--content-mode <CONTENT_MODE>

Defines which parts of a content should be included in the results.

<CONTENT_MODE>: a[ll-lines], l[ine], u[nmatched-lines], v[alue], d [value-detail], o[mit].

--function <FUNCTION>

Space separated list of functions to modify a list of matches. All matches from all files are evaluated at once.

<FUNCTION>: sort, sort-descending, distinct, group, sort-by=<SORT_PROPERTY>.

-h, --help

Show command line help.

-t, --highlight <HIGHLIGHT>

Parts of the output to highlight.

<HIGHLIGHT>: n[one], s[plit], e[mpty-]s[plit], e[mpty], b[oundary], t[ab], c[arriage-]r[eturn], l[ine]f[eed], newline, space.

-i, --input <INPUT> [<INPUT_OPTIONS>]

The input string to be searched.

-m, --max-count <NUM>

Maximum number of times the split can occur.


Do not include groups in the results.

-o, --output <PATH> [<OUTPUT_OPTIONS>]

Path to a file that should store output.

-u, --summary

Show summary at the end of search.

-v, --verbosity <VERBOSITY>

The amount of information to display in the log.

<VERBOSITY>: q[uiet], m[inimal], n[ormal], d[etailed], di[agnostic].

Redirected/Piped Input

Redirected/piped input will be used as a text to be searched.